Kudos Distribution

Elysian Fields – Pink Air (Modulor)

Eleventh album consisting of eleven songs, Pink Air, by Elysian Fields, cult New York band led by Jennifer Charles and Oren Bloedow, was released in September 2018. Recorded in the mountains around Woodstock, Pink Air was finalized in Thomas Bartlett’s studio (The National, Sufjan Stevens) in Manhattan. A single rock wave unites the tracks with its cavernous reverberation, as if shrouded in the darkness of a night club or pinned to the shadow of a modern nightmare. Pink Air is a post-apocalyptic rock’n roll getaway. The album tackles themes as varied as the ecological threat, the regime of a potential narcissist dictator, white supremacy, censorship, the erasure of history, the social drama of families … as well as meditations on time, friendship, loss, death. Despite the biting tone, the words never sound too heavy, lightened by many touches of humor. Jennifer Charles’s vocals are at their highest, infusing each song with its legendary languid charisma, in a lyrical breath whose spellbinding power has remained intact. By portraying the landscape of the present day with her precise, often caustic lyrics, Jennifer sets her special veil on the intimate, the spiritual, brushing her characters, friends and lovers, in a pure novelist style. All against a background of fear of our time, of its social and political drifts. With Elysian Fields, the angelic singer and her acolytes have always been carried by the highest currents of the sky. For Pink Air, they fold their wings, land on the ground, and roam the scorched lands of America, animated by the rock’n roll spirit of the animal. The feathers turned into so many spiky hairs

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