“Equinox“, Gianni Marchetti’s 1977 twin album of “Solstitium”, released in a handful of promo copies by RCA in their renowned “Original Cast” series, takes us on a journey through the author’s groovier and wilder temperament, feeling as fresh and surprising today as the day it was made, offering immediate understanding of the reasons why it has remained one of his most sought after – and virtually impossible to find – titles over the decades.
The limited release as part of RCA’s “Original Cast” series only increased its mystique, making it a coveted piece among collectors and connoisseurs. The album’s distinctive character lies in its spontaneous, freewheeling approach, which contrasts with the more polished productions of the era. It’s a perfect example of Marchetti’s unique vision, where each track seems to evolve organically, offering both intricate musicianship and a sense of unrestrained creativity. RIYL: Piero Umiliani, Sandro Brugnolini, Stefano Torossi
Gianni Marchetti collaborated with Tuscan singer-songwriter Piero Ciampi, an association that lasted for over 10 years. At an early age, he studied piano and later enrolled at the Accademia nazionale di Santa Cecilia in Rome, continuing his regular course of studies.
Through a fortuitous consultation, in the early 1960s he came into contact with RCA Italiana, which was in the process of establishing its own music publishing house. One of the first hits of this publishing house was “What a Sky”, composed by Giovanni Fusco for the film “I Delfini” by Francesco Maselli. It was sung by the newcomer Nico Fidenco, who made the acquaintance of Marchetti and collaborated with him on the composition of his next 45 rpm, “Legata A Un Granello Di Sabbia“, which was destined for a huge recording success in Italy.
After a series of concerts in North America (New York, Toronto, Los Angeles), he returned to Italy, where he was entrusted with the production of another newcomer singer, Bobby Solo, for whom he signed the arrangement of the famous “Una Lacrima Sul Viso” and the composition of many of his later songs, including the 1965 Sanremo Festival winner “Se Piangi, Se Ridi“.
In the same years, Gianni Marchetti approached soundtrack composition through another Roman label, CAM. Among the films he set to music are “Colpo di Stato” directed by Luciano Salce, “Fai in fretta ad uccidermi… ho freddo!” directed by Maselli, “Nipoti Miei Diletti” directed by Franco Rosswetti e “I Sette Fratelli Cervi” directed by Gianni Puccini.
Marchetti went on to compose music for around sixty films, sometimes signing himself with the pseudonym Joe Dynamo.