Kudos Distribution

James Digger – Badaboombap Vol 2 (Modulor)

Badaboombap is like Terminator, the first one is good but the second one is even better ! Badaboombap is that type of record you find in a box in the basement, along with old memories. The good old rap record that we were missing. French beatmaker James Digger produced this follow-up while meeting American, Quebec and South African artists. There are guests from the golden age but also from the new generation of boombap. The cover picture was taken by Philippe Hamon, the great photographer of 90’s rap. Featuring Masta Ace, Tedji & Helmé, Dooz Kawa, 4-Ize, Souffrance & Cenza, Melly-Me, Punchline, Rockin’ Squat, Mad Squablz, Passi, Gennessee and Bonbec.

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