These two are friends. You can tell. They converse with each other, musically speaking. They connect in the way that only really happens when words aren’t needed to explain what you’re getting at. You’ll know when you listen because you’ll hear the trust between them. No fear of self expression to be found here, it’s direct.
They’ve each done great things. Brilliant releases on wonderful labels of varying types, shapes and sizes. They might even have had a hand in running some of them. You can look those things up. You should. But don’t assume that they hold the key to their first album together. It’s something else.
What should you expect in that case? Music that will transport you? That’s guaranteed. Guitar and synth duets scattered through a dusty prism? Taste the rainbow? Maybe, but let’s step out of the way and let them describe the work best in their own words:
“Beachcombed melodies wash up on unknown shores and strange flowers bloom at the high water line. Rum and reverb, if you will.”