Kudos Distribution


Label Focus: Rumi Sounds

Tell us a bit about how Rumi Sounds got started. We founded Rumi Sounds at our record store Lefter Records in Berlin.

The Brennan Bill

This Friday, Kevin Brennan MP’s Private Members Bill will be debated in the House of Commons.  This Bill is an

Label Focus: U-TRAX

U-TRAX are a Utrecht-based record label, founded in 1993 by DJ Richard van der Giessen. After taking a prolonged break

Label Focus: Reggae Roast

Reggae Roast are a record label, events company and soundsystem leading the resurgence of Reggae and Dancehall in the UK.

Label Focus: Glacial Movements

Glacial Movements is an Italian record label founded by Alessandro Tedeschi (aka Netherworld) specialising in ambient and electronic arctic soundscapes.
